Horizon House
Horizon House
Two 28-floor high rise buildings and four 14-floor midrise buildings (total 6 buildings)

Coolsys Energy Design provided engineering services for multiple projects at Horizon House, the largest condominium development in New Jersey located on the hills above the Hudson River in Fort, Lee.

Coolsys Energy Design converted the entire boiler system (five boiler rooms) to high efficiency gas fired boilers eliminating number six diesel fuel oil. In addition,Coolsys Energy Design separated the domestic hot water from the space heating in order to increase overall building efficiency. All the chillers and cooling towers and pumps were replaced with high efficiency variable speed centrifugal equipment in order to significantly reduce fuel charges for this facility. Horizon House received hundreds of thousands of dollars in New Jersey Clean Energy Pay for Performance program through Coolsys Energy Design. Coolsys Energy Design also provided bidding administration services, as well as construction administration services for the client.

Horizon House