CoolSys Energy Design Introduces Energy Performance Monitoring Service
CoolSys Energy Design Introduces Energy Performance Monitoring Service
Enhanced Data Analytics Improves Building and System Energy Efficiency
Princeton, NJ, U.S.A.— CoolSys Energy Design (CED) — a leading mechanical, electrical and refrigeration consulting engineering firm — introduces a new service to help building owners operate more efficient buildings and better understand issues related to equipment energy
The new Energy Performance Monitoring (EPM) service is an extension of CED’s other engineering services. Its unique knowledge of building operations, gained through more than 30 years of refrigeration, air conditioning and energy control system design, provides the foundation for this service’s value to clients. The cloud-based analytic tools used by CED’s engineers allow access to on-demand or scheduled reports and programmed alerts. These reports and alerts are driven by powerful “Dynamic Targets” formulated for the building or individual pieces of energy-using equipment based on a multitude of operational variables.
This service will help our customers validate energy conservation measures in dollars and cents and identify poor performing buildings and equipment even when there are no alarms. It makes comprehensive energy management a reality for many of our clients who simply don’t have time to build a team like ours to do it.
CoolSys Energy Design provides a number of engineering services, including refrigeration, HVAC, electrical, plumbing, fire protection and control system design. Other services include LEED building design, system and building commissioning, energy performance monitoring, energy modeling, rebate/incentive capture on behalf of clients, and structural and civil engineering. To learn more about how Engineering Cost-Effective Energy Solutions can work for your business, please visit
About CoolSys Energy Design
CoolSys Energy Design, is a full-service energy design consulting engineering firm. It provides expertise in refrigeration, mechanical, electrical, lighting, specifications, building performance modeling, energy simulations and renewable energy services. From the initial analysis to completing projects and obtaining the applicable rebates and incentives, CoolSys Energy Design expedites each step of the process, while assuring a minimized total cost of ownership over the life of a project.